I am often asked for a recommended reading list. Included here is just such an animal co-author Orrin Woodward and I assembled in the back of our latest book,
Leadership and Liberty: Pieces of the Puzzle. Enjoy.
Attitude and Success
See You at the Top,
Zig Zigglar
The Greatest Salesman
in the World, Og Mandino
Wooden: A Lifetime of
Observations On and Off the Court, John Wooden
The Psychology of
Winning, Dennis Waitley
Life is Tremendous,
Charlie "Tremendous" Jones
People Skills and
How to Have Power and
Confidence in Dealing With People, Les Giblin
How to Win Friends and
Influence People, Dale Carnegie
Personality Plus, Florence Littauer
Bringing Out the Best
in People, Alan Lloyd McGinnis
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People, Stephen Covey
It's Your Ship,
Captain D. Michael Abrashoff
The Cycle of
Leadership, Noel Tichy
The World's Most
Powerful Leadership Principle, James C. Hunter
The 21 Irrefutable
Laws of Leadership, John C. Maxwell
Launching a Leadership
Revolution, Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward (it's a summary of so much of
our learning!)
Historical Leadership
The Founding Fathers
on Leadership, Don T. Phillips
Scuttle Your Ships
Before Advancing, Richard Luecke
Churchill on
Leadership, Steven Hayward
Character Counts,
Os Guiness
The American
Leadership Tradition, Marvin Olasky
The History of Liberty
The Future of Freedom,
Fareed Zakaria
The 5000 Year Leap:
The Miracle That Changed the World, W. Cleon Skousen
How the West was Lost,
Alexander Boot
The Conservative Mind,
Russell Kirk
The Passion of the
Western Mind, Richard Tarnas
The Economy in Mind,
Warren T. Brookes
Economics in One
Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
The Making of Modern
Economics, Mark Skousen
Human Action,
Ludwig von Mises
Atlas Shrugged,
Ayn Rand
Politics and
Politics: Easy as
P.I.E., Bob McEwen
The Revolt of the
Masses, Jose Ortega y Gasset
The Road to Serfdom,
F. A. Hayek
The Creature from Jekyll Island,
G. Edward Griffin
Slouching Towards Gomorrah, Robert H.