The concept I've lately been calling "Strategic Sabbaticals" involves taking intentional, restorative respites on a regular basis. These breaks can be tiny (one hour or so), or large (four weeks or more), or anything in between. (Actually, since we're making this up as we go, they could be anything we devise!) The intent is not merely to provide space in which to enjoy life, but rather, and more so, to enhance peak performance and keep one operating optimally. In America in particular, we have largely lost this practice. In our culture there appears to be no shame regarding material accumulation and ostentation, but even small periods of downtime are somehow frowned upon. For me, I'd rather spend my money on memories than material. And if the memories come with recharged batteries, that makes them all the more legitimate in the getting.
So just what can be expected from proper, restorative breaks? I offer just a few below, and perhaps you can add to this list in the comment section.
Boost your energy levels and refill your tanks.
Provide a chance for you to re-center yourself and get grounded.
Allow time for spiritual focus and a period of growth, worship, and study.
Eliminate stress from your system and build up a buffer against it for the future.
Increase your productivity and creativity by providing you true rest and restoration.
Allow you time to deeply consider your priorities in life, and how to live them out better on a daily basis.
Give you time to forge stronger relationships through a dose of both quality AND quantity time.
Provide a format within which you can create lasting, meaningful, deep memories.
Provide you the important health benefits only proper time off can bestow. This leads to better longevity and sense of wellbeing.
Help you tap more fully into your potential and restore you to peak operating performance levels.
Help you realize that you should treat your time as importantly as you treat your money (remembering that time itself is your most valuable currency – it cannot be stored nor acquired in excess – you only get what you get).